You might be wondering why your child needs a root canal if one or more of their baby teeth are in danger. Won’t their adult teeth just grow in anyways? Children typically shed their baby teeth for adult teeth around 6-12 years old, but this is a big age spread. If your child’s tooth is infected and they are only 4, it could be 7 years before their adult tooth sprouts, leaving them with a gap in their mouth for a long time.
Baby teeth also have another important role: They serve as guides for the proper placement of the permanent teeth. Without primary teeth to guide them in, permanent teeth tend to emerge in a crooked fashion, often becoming tilted or crowded because of inadequate space. This can result in bite problems that may require extensive orthodontic treatment later.

Missing teeth can lead to other problems such as:

  • Impacted speech
  • Inability to properly chew
  • Insecurities
  • Missing teeth leave your gums and jawbone exposed to added pressure that can cause damage.

Most of the time, a root canal is a relatively simple procedure with little or no discomfort involving one to three visits. Best of all, it can save your tooth and your smile.