We hope you and your loved ones are safe and in good health. Our community has been through a lot in the last of couple  year, and we appreciate your understanding while we strive to help control the spread of COVID-19.

At North Shore Dental Clinic your health and safety are always our number one focus. Our office follows infection control recommendations made by the American Dental Association (ADA) and we will continue to stay up to date and adhere to new rulings or guidance that may be issued.

In addition to the "Universal Precautions," always practiced in our dental setting we have also increased our disinfection protocols for common items and areas e.g. door handles and plates, cupboard doors and knobs, chairs and the reception desk.

In our practice, we have invested in medical-grade air purifiers that circulate and clean the air of airborne pollutants and more importantly of viral particles. We have installed a sneeze-guard at the reception desk and there is an increased focus on PPE (Personal Protective Equipment).

We have also adjusted the appointment schedule so that there is minimal overlap between patients and hence minimal gathering in any one area.

We are taking every precaution necessary to limit the exposure of disease within our office and to this end we will continue to promote and practice

  • Social Distancing (six feet spacing)
  • Respiratory Etiquette (sneezing or coughing into a tissue or a bent elbow)
  • Regular hand washing
  • No touching of your face
  • Staying at home whilst ill

In addition, all staff are required to update the COVID-19 questionnaire daily and have their temperature taken twice daily.

Our practice considers a safe environment as part of a safe future, and we ask that for the safety of all, you help us by participating in the following precautions.

  • We will ask screening questions on making and/or confirming your appointment and again when you arrive for the appointment.
  • Once you arrive at the office, you will have your temperature taken. Any patient showing signs of a fever or other symptoms of illness will have their appointment rescheduled.
  • We ask that you wear a facemask to your appointment until we start treatment and again at the end of treatment.
  • You will be instructed to wash your hands as you enter the office.
  • Please come to your appointment alone and leave loved ones and friends at home. A parent attending with a minor or an assisted care giver are the only attendees allowed to accompany the patient to the appointment.
  • All patients on arrival will be asked to wait in their vehicles or in the downstairs waiting area until they have been instructed to come upstairs for their appointment.
  • We will temporarily remove magazines and other items that are difficult to disinfect.
  • Appointments will be managed to allow for social distancing and proper disinfecting between patients.

Our office is open to all patients regardless of vaccination status and as usual we will continue to follow all Government regulations.

We look forward to seeing you again and are happy to answer any questions you may have.

To schedule an appointment, please call 419-3368.

Thank you for your patience and understanding and we encourage you to stay safe and healthy.

Dr. Burke and the North Shore Dental Clinic team