At North Shore Dental Clinic, your comfort is our primary concern, and we will make every effort to make your dental experience with us comfortable. There may sometimes be some discomfort after your dental care. However if discomfort or pain persists or there is anything we can do to help, please don't hesitate to call.

Certain procedures such as new fillings, crowns, veneers or bridgework can often exhibit temperature sensitivity for several weeks. This is due to the fact that the tooth structure was removed and replaced by a foreign material that does not conduct temperature at the same rate as normal tooth structure. Also, since every tooth has a nerve in the tooth, as the tooth is drilled, the body recognizes this as an injury and will call an immune response. This sensitivity will normally get better with time and pain medication can be used to alleviate the discomfort. A de-sensitizing toothpaste may also help.

Temporary Crowns
After receiving your temporary crown, make sure you take care of it by following these simple directions:

  • Avoid rinsing or eating anything for an hour or more to allow the cement to set.
  • Avoid eating foods that will stick or cause you to chew hard, or use the other side of your mouth to chew.
  • If an anesthetic was used to perform your procedure, try not to chew any food or gum until the numbness has ended.
  • Carefully brush and floss to keep it clean.