Every year millions of children’s teeth are saved thanks to the advanced technology of root canals. Root canal treatment is a safe and effective way to stop many kinds of tooth pain caused by deep decay or injury, and to keep a tooth from being lost too early.
In severe cases, the tooth may need to be removed, but if possible other treatment methods are preferred. Root canal treatment is necessary when the pulp (soft tissue inside your teeth containing blood vessels, nerves and connective tissue) becomes inflamed or diseased.

Pulpotomy - A procedure that is done if only the upper part of the nerve is damaged. The damaged part of the tooth and nerve is removed, stabilizing the healthy portion and the rest of the tooth is sealed and filled. A stainless steel crown may be used to cover the tooth.

Pulpectomy - If pulp tissue is infected through the entire tooth structure, a pulpectomy may be needed, which requires the removal of all pulp tissue. The canals are then disinfected, shaped, then filled and sealed with an inert material. Afterwards, the crown (visible part) of the tooth will be restored. This resembles traditional root canal therapy.

If you continue to care for your teeth and gums your restored tooth could last a lifetime. However, regular checkups are necessary; a tooth without its nerve can still develop cavities or gum disease.